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Light and Shadow



Dh’innsinn sgeulachd dhut.
Tha beàrn san t-seachad nach tàinig gu ìre;
ginean nach fhaca an là.
Chan innsinn breug ga thionndadh gu eachdraidh.
Tarraing loidhne,
tro mo chasan bho mo chorrag gu mo gliùin.
Nì mo nùidheadh mo shiubhal
eadar gaorr is eanchainn romhainn.
Èist ris a’ bhuille tighinn ùr-bheò,
oir dh’innsinn sgeulachd dhut.


Dh’innsinn dìomhaireachd dhut.
Tha beàrn san traidisean nach gabh mi lìonadh
ann am priobadh na sùla.
Chan innsinn eachdraidh buille mo chridhe.
Tarraing loidhne
tro mo cholann bho mo chridhe gu mo bheul.
Can am freagair triantan
an t-àite aig ceàrnag sam bith.
Èist ris an fhreagairt seach a’ cheist,
oir dh’innsinn dhìomhaireachd dhut.


Dh’innsinn bruadaran dhut.
Tha beàrn san teachdail nach gabh mi fighe;
dlùth gu leòr is fuigheal innich.
Chan innsinn an sgeul gun a thoirt gu crìoch.
Tarraing loidhne
tro mo cheann bho mo shùil gu mo shròin.
Feuch am faigh freagairt
eadar sgòthan ann an tuaineal glòmainn.
Èist ris an fhuaim seach am facal,
oir dh’innsinn bruadaran dhut.

I would tell you a story.
There’s a void in the past uncome to maturity;
a pregnancy that never saw day.
I wouldn’t spin lies into history.
Draw a line
through my legs, from toe to knee.
My impetus, my journey
through gore and grey matter before us.
Listen for the beating back to life,
because I’d tell you a story.

I would tell you a secret.
There’s a break in tradition I can’t mend
in the blink of an eye.
I would tell the history of a heartbeat.
Draw a line
through my body, from heart to mouth.
Tell if a triangle can fit
in any square-shaped vacancy.
Listen for the answer, not the question,
because I’d tell you a secret.


I would tell you my dreams.
There’s space in the future still unsewn;
plenty warp but little woof.
I wouldn’t tell a tale without an end.
Draw a line
through my mind, from eye to nose.
Try to answer the unknown
between clouds of twilight stupors.
Listen for the sound, not the word,
because I’d tell you my dreams.

air ais

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