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Neon Spheres



Tha am baile fo chiaradh,
's thig daoine a-mach
air na sràidean fo sgòthan
is sgàil-uisge dubh
làn ghealladh na h-oidhch.

Tha fhios far an tèid mi
le daoine mo leithid,
an t-àit air an oisean,
a bheir sinne cruinn.

Tha mi dannsadh leam fhìn,
air an làr sin am Polo,
gillean Ghlaschu fo bhuaidh
buille cuisle is ciùil.
Dannsadh leam fhìn,
measg an t-sluaigh ach mi solo,
gun fhiosta san àit' seo,
fo sgleò is fo cheò.

Chaidh m' inntinn air ais sin,
fo rionnagan geal,
air na sràidean fo dhìle
gu baile an airgid,
le tè ruadh rim thaobh.

Bha fhios far an toireadh
dhuinn fàilte ie furan,
nar n-òige air seachran
's sinn fada o thùs.

Bha mi dannsadh na car,
air bàrr sunnd is slàinte,
càirdean ri làimh
caillt am fuasgladh a' chiùil.
Dannsadh leath' fhèin,
measg an t-sluaigh mar a b' eòl dhomh
'm bail' Obair Dheathain is
fo sgleò is fo cheò.

Tha am baile fo chiaradh,
is thig daoine a-mach
air na sràidean fo sgòthan
is sgàil-uisge dubh
làn ghealladh na h-oidhch.

Tha mi dannsadh leam fhìn,
air an làr sin am Polo,
luchd Ghlaschu fo bhuaidh
buille cuisle is ciùil.
Tha mi dannsadh leam fhìn,
measg an t-sluaigh ach mi solo,
gun fhiosta san àit' seo,
fo sgleò is fo cheò. x2

The town is under twilight,
and out come the people
on the streets swathed in cloud
with black umbrellas
full of the promise of the night.

I know where to go
to find my own,
the place on the corner
that brings us together.

I'm dancing alone
on the dance-floor in Polo,
Glasgow boys captured
by the beat of their hearts and the song.

Dancing alone,
in the crowd, going solo,
unknown in this place,
under haze, shrouded in mist.


My mind went back there,
under bright stars,
on the downpour-soaked steets
to the silver city,
with a redhead girl by my side.


We knew where we'd find
welcome and hospitality,
in our wandering youth,
far from home.

I was dancing with her,
at the top of my health,

friends to hand

lost in the unbinding of the music.

Dancing with herself,
with the crowd, as I knew how to,
in the city of Aberdeen,
under haze, shrouded in mist.


The town is under twilight,
and out come the people
on the streets swathed in cloud
with black umbrellas
full of the promise of the night.

I'm dancing alone
on the dance-floor in Polo,
Glasgow boys captured
by the beat of their hearts and the song.

Dancing alone,
in the crowd, going solo,
unknown in this place,
under haze, shrouded in mist.



air ais

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